On The Back Of A Tiger
A trailer and series of teasers for On The Back Of A Tiger, a documentary series in progress, profiling the life and work of unsung heroes of science and their battles with the establishment. On the Back of a Tiger presents a paradigm-shift in how we do science, ultimately leading to a better understanding of disease, aging, and nutrition.
Co-directed with Jeremy Stuart. You can also visit our, site and facebook page.
The first episode in the series is below, along with teasers for upcoming ones.
Episode One: Dr. Gilbert N. Ling
Episode Teasers:
The late biochemist, geneticist, and artist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho on how she became a scientist and one of neo-Darwinism's greatest critics.
Dr. Harold Hillman on the living cell.
Prof. Gerald Pollack on the fourth phase of water.
Dr. Gilbert N. Ling on his unifying theory of life phenomena.